Raphide CO2-Emission Instrument

Raphide has a budgeting system in which, just as for the financials, budgets can be used for CO2-emissions. This can be done per department and for the organisation as a whole. There is the option to send out notifications when the budget is exceeded.


Raphide uses www.co2emissiefactoren.nl. This tool is an initiative of Milieu Central, Stimular, SKAO, Connekt and the Dutch government. This list is updated annually by a broad panel of experts as part of the 'Green Deal Initiative'. The goal of the Green Deal is to draw up one broadly supported and scientifically substantiated list of CO2-emission factors for organisations. In short, a current and independent source that the Dutch government supports.



We are a dedicated organisation, consisting of qualified professionals with a no-nonsense mentality, and most of all a keen interest in sustainability.

André Koch


André has 25 years of experience in technology and is an advocate of sustainable travel.

Our Business Partners

Workflow Platform

Raphide is the online booking tool for: 
  • - Bookers & travellers
  • - Travel managers
  • - Travel buyers
  • - Finance managers
  • - Senior management
  • - Risk managers
  • - Sustainability managers
  • - Travel management companies
And last not least:
  • - Our children
  • - Our planet 

Sustainable Business Programme

Request our papers:  
  • - Sustainable Development Goals linked to business travel 
  • - Select sustainable suppliers in Request For Proposal (RFP)
  • - Small COreduction steps
  • - 7 tips on how to reach your company's CO2-emission target
  • - Sustainable choices in global business travel after the COVID-19 pandemic





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